Our Mission

To teach people how to Celebrate Eternal and Abundant Life through Jesus Christ and His Word.  Celebrate Life Ministries Church exists to magnify Our Father God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit through loving and faithful worship and praise, to edify and strengthen Christian believers through biblical teaching and preaching, to evangelize the world through faithful witness, and to exhibit godliness through a positive presence in our community.

Our Vision

As we have the privilege and honor of receiving a commission from our Almighty God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, 
(John 15:16Mark 16:14-20) we confess His vision for our church. Our vision is twofold.

First, that we would...

  • as children of God, and individual members of the body of Christ, come to know the only true God and Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, by revelation of His Word and His Spirit; 
    (John 17:3)

  • come to know the Love that the Father has for us;
    Eph 3:14-19John 14:21-23)

  • come to know His ways, so that we may enter into His rest, that He has planned for us, as children of God; 
    (1 John 3:1-3Heb 3:7-4:18)

  • know the extent of our inheritance, bought by our Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice; 
    (Eph 1:3-142 Peter 1:1-4)

  • know our authority over sin, sickness, and all the power of the wicked one; 
    (Mark 16:15-201 John 3:8Luke 10:191 Cor 4:20)

  • stand in the liberty which Christ has made us free; 
    (Gal 5:1John 14:6)

  • no longer be children tossed to and fro carried away by every wind of doctrine, but be steadfast, immovable in the faith of our Father God's Word; 
    (Eph 4:11-181 John 5:19)

  • come to know the sweet fellowship and guidance of God the Holy Spirit; 
    (2 Cor 13:14John 16:13)

Second, as ministers of reconciliation; that we would...

  • be living epistles through the redemptive work of Christ, by demonstration of eternal and abundant life, exemplifying unity and fullness of joy;
     (2 Cor 3:1-3)

  • preach only Jesus Christ and Him crucified to those the Holy Spirit directs us to, and lead them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ;(John 14:61 Cor 2:1-51 Cor 1:22-25)

  • conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of our calling;
    (2 Cor 4:1-2)

  • testify to His ability to perform His Word, as ambassadors of Christ;
    (2 Cor 5:18-21)

  • be brought to the kingdom of God for such a time as this;
    (Esther 4:14)

  • bring the thousands He has called into His kingdom;
    (Acts 2:36-47)

  • be examples to our generation, telling and showing them how to Celebrate Life through Jesus Christ and His Word